How to Pick the Perfect Paint
How to Pick the Perfect Paint

A simple coat of paint can make a huge impact on any room. That’s pretty simple isn’t it! Or wait, is it really? Most people I know at one point or another have picked the WRONG color of paint. And while it’s a pain to have to repaint, it doesn’t take as long or cost as much as say replacing the countertop because it’s wrong… But I’ve got some simple things that you can do to help you choose the best color for your room the first time around.1. Pick up some paint chips or a fan deck (shown above) of paint colors to bring the color into the specific space you’re planning to paint. Keep in mind that each “strip” shows different intensities of each initial color, so if you like one shade, but are concerned it may be “too much”, you may want to consider a color a step lighter on the strip or using the darker shade on an accent wall and a lighter shade in the rest of the room.2. Pick paint colors that “work” with the colors already in your home. You use fabric samples or paint chips that are already in the room or elsewhere in your home as a starting point. If your room can be seen from other rooms in the house make sure that both of the colors complement each other.3. If you are a visual person, you can try out colors in your room using sites like the Sherwin Williams Paint Visualizer. You can use this program to edit a digital picture of the room to include the colors you are thinking about painting the walls.4. Once you’ve narrowed your choices down to a limited number, purchase some tester pots and paint a 6 to 12 inch square spot on the wall in each of the color options. This allows you to see how each color is impacted by the light in the room at various times of day.Whatever you choose to do, keep in mind that paint is relatively inexpensive and it can easily be covered with a new color or shade of paint. If you decide that the color is not what you want, you can choose another one and totally change how your room looks. If you need help with painting a room or doing a remodeling project fill out this form and we’ll call you back to see how we can help you get the room of your dreams!