How are you preparing for your future?
How are you preparing for your future?
We all know that life doesn't stay the same. Maybe you are planning on adding more children to your family. Maybe you need to adjust your home to help you meet the needs of aging parents, or to deal with your own eventual accessibility needs. Maybe your children are getting older and need more independent space. As our lives continue to change, our homes need to be able to adapt or change to meet our needs. Sometimes when you’re considering a remodeling project, you’re remodeling because of one of these issues; sometimes you can anticipate one of these issues and remodel to address the issue before it becomes a problem.As a parent of several kids, I’m also intrigued by the new wider doors and the no step front entries being put into homes. Maybe that would prevent a few falls off the front steps and stop the arguments over who gets to go out first (or not!)Anticipating accessibility issues seems to be the biggest issues encouraging people to remodel these days. One of the most exciting things that I've seen in the remodeling industry is the push to make items that qualify as both beautiful and accessible friendly at the same time. Whether it’s no step showers or adding unique bars that function as safety rails, new and exciting products are being designed that move away from the clinical look of accessibility products of the past and move towards the grace and elegance that we all desire.No one knows what the future holds, but sometimes we can anticipate some changes. Keeping the future in mind can make your remodeling project something that makes your life better for a long time.